Buy crusher-X and you will be happy! 
Why? So you can enjoy the powerful advantages of the registered version and make us happy!

Every time the red registration dialog comes up it will tell you the advantages of the registered version. 

Although crusher-X is a very complex and sophisticated program, it is very inexpensive shareware. When you register, you will receive a registration key that will:

  • Enable the newest avaiable version
  • Disable the register dialog during crushing
  • Allow you to save the crusher-sheets (files)
  • Allow you to save Loadlists
  • Enable real-time recording
  • Enable more than 4 Generators (you need 8 Generators to use 8 Direct Output Channels)
  • Expand the 1 second buffer
  • Enable full force feedback support
  • Registers the granner-X VST Plug-In too! Please see folder "grannerX VST"
  • Offer you special credit on upgrades (all minor updates and bug-fixes are free)
  • Secure enhanced technical support!
How to buy?  Purchasing is very easy! We have joined some good shareware payment processing service which accepts payment by credit card via the internet or a simple phone call - even in the USA. Please click here to buy crusher-X offline or online!

If you want to pay cash, please send check or money and your e-mail address direct to büro </stelkens>. Thank you!