Floating windows display what you hear!
About the 
floating windows
crusher-X has floating windows. You can Show/Hide them by using the Windows menu or the hot keys. Each window's position, size and state are also saved with the crusher-sheets along with the other crusher-X parameters. To disable the loading of the window parameters, use the Options dialog.

Some windows are 3D windows such as Cloud 3D and DSP Structure

To change the perspective, hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse over the window. To switch the mouse mode to Zoom, Move or Rotate, press the right mouse button. The actual mode is indicated by the mouse cursor. 

Some windows offer auto animation. Use this feature to impress your audience or friends ;-)

Cloud 3D The Cloud 3D window depicts all crusher parameters. 

At the bottom left, you will find a representation of the buffer flow. For an interesting view, try this panel in trigger mode. At the top right, you will find a representation of the actual window mode.

Grains are represented by the different rectangles. Find the descriptions of each parameter in the crusher panel help.

CPU If the crusher is running, the CrusherX-Live sign will blink. The selected Audio Port is shown below the CrusherX-Live sign.

If there is the device buffer size too small on using DirectX Port, the Overload sign will flash. Using the ASIO Port it will flash if the ASIO System can't process the data. Increase the ASIO Buffer size in the ASIO Dialogs of your soundcard.

The CPU indicator displays the CPU power used by the DSP functions. This value represents the real audio CPU usage not the CPU processing power consumed by other applications. Note that 100% audio usage will crash the system because no power remains for controlling other devices like the display, keyboard or mouse! Before that happens, the DSP will "put the brakes on" and trash some samples. Noise will appear in the output. 

The MIDI In and MIDI Out indicator flashes on incoming and outgoing MIDI-Events. Use MIDI Setup dialog to define the MIDI Controller and Key-Groups.

DSP Structure This 3D window depicts the DSP backbone inside crusher-X. It may help you understand the internal DSP structure. 

When you move a fader, the associated symbol will flash in red.

I/O Levels The I/O Level window displays the input and output levels (e.g. Channel 1 and 2) . The narrow Leds on the right side represent the output volume of each Direct output channel (e.g. Channel 3 to 10).

Next to the Input levels are narrow trigger levels. The wide meter in the middle indicates the crusher's input. The slender Env. meter tracks the damping (<0dB) or amplification (>0dB) of the Limiter/Expander/Compressor.

You can set the levels from the mixer panel.

Oscilloscope The Oscilloscope window shows the stereo output signal. 
File Levels The level of the input files are shown in this window. You can set the levels from the mixer panel.
Memo You can type any text in the memo window. Your memo will be saved and loaded with the crusher-sheets. Use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, and Ctrl+V, for normal copy, cut, and paste operations.

In tandem with the Loadlist, the memo window is useful for storing a short description of the sound or giving the crusher-operator instructions.