DarkTime  Versions

Firmwareversion  Preliminary



version 121214   - all added features since last V1.2 121017   in green

version 130724   - all added features since last V1.2 121214   in blue

New features

0) Reset/Default  function for all parameters, that are stored permanentely

1) Display of software version

2) Extended Input Interface for additional features with the function button

3) Independend  clock-divider note value and clock out signal rate

4) Clk in signal can be scanned with a adjustable clock/divide rate and used as a clock for DarkTime sequencer. With generation of all dependend signals f.e. MidiRealtime-clock

5) ‘Clock-In’ signal could also be a midi note event

6) New clock-divider value 1/96  available = RolandDinSync

7) additional Link-combi Modes

Upper Row always Notes and 

7-1  Lower Row = GateLenght  ( as before V1.2)

7-2) Lower Row = Note-Velocity
7-3) Lower Row = Midi-Controller #1
7-4) Lower Row = Midi-Controller #7

7-5) Lower Row = free assignable Controller
7-6) Lower Row = Pitch Bend

8) Quantize Scale Mode
8-1) Midi

8-2) CV

9) Use of Darktime as a controller box  - in both directions so you can also control most parameters of DarkTime from ‘outside’

10)  Some new ‘software-switches’  to select

10-1) Use as controller box
10-2) Choose of Polarity of Gate-Out signal
10-3) Change of CV though Step is off, or stay on last value
10-4) Extended Gate-Length  (normal =15%-85%), (‘legato’ = 1% - 200%)
10-5) Merge Midi-events on Midi-In to internal events   On/Off
10-6) Send Midi-Realtime Events on MidiOut   On/Off
10-7) Send Midi-Realtime Events on  USBMidiOut   On/Off
10-8) Transpose Looper On/off 


0) Reset/Default  function for all parameters, that are stored permanentely

DarkTime is powered off

Press the Reset button permanetely

Power on the DarkTime.

Still hold Reset button

After that a combination of  exact two led’s will light a moment – maybe a 2-3 second.  (This is the ‘display ‘ of the version – details immediately)

Then a short perdiod with all leds off will follow.

Finally led 1 of row one and led 1 of row two will light and stay permanently, till you start the sequencer or you do something else that will change the leds state.

This is now the sign for Darktime is ready.

Now you can release the reset button and all ( not the scale parameters) parameters taht are stored permanetely are reset to default values, which are :

Default Value


Channel 1Midichannel for Row 1
Channel 1Midichannel for Row 2


10-1) Use as controller box

Positive Polarity

10-2) Choose of Gate-Out Polarity

Change of CV though Step is off

10-3) Change of CV though Step is off, or stay on last value


10-4) Extended Gate-Length  (normal =15%-85%), (legato = 1% - 200%)


10-5) Merge Midi-events on Midi-In to internal events   On/Off


10-6) Send Midi-Realtime Events on MidiOut   On/Off


10-7) Send Midi-Realtime Events on  USBMidiOut   On/Off


10-8) Transpose Looper On/off (*)


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion

If your DarkTime behaves strange and did not do, what it should or what it did 'yesterday', this is the first thing you should do, before you contact us or send the device back to dealer/support!

(*)  Attention:  Transpose-Looper Mode:  'On' means  - normal Transpose mode as usual in all versions include V1.1.   , 'Off' means 'Transpose Looper mode - as explained below - this behaves different as usual.
Problem is now, that the Reset function in
version 130724 set by mistake this mode to the new unusual Looper mode 'Off'  - this will be corrected in the next  version - so, if Transpose did not behave as you expected, please set the switch to 'On' manually.

1) Display of software version 

Power on the DarkTime.

Now a short boot sequences will happen:

First maybe some led’s will light randomly, but this will be deleted after a short moment.

After that a combination of  exact two led’s will light a moment – maybe a 2-3 second.  (This is the ‘display ‘ of the version – details immediately)

Then a short perdiod with all leds off will follow.

Finally led 1 of row one and led 1 of row two will light and stay permanently, till you start the sequencer or you do something else that will change the leds state.

This is now the sign for Darktime is ready.

O.K., but how is the led coding for the version number.

Well, the first row represents the main number, second row the subnumber of the version. 
The steps are renumberd   0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 – because you also need a ‘0’.

 So the first step in row 1 – which means ‘0’ will never  happen again, because this were the first Beta-numbers before  a V1.0 was published ;-)

So let’s look for the current example.

V1.2  - led 2 of row one  will light. Which is in the counting ‘1’ .
And led 3 of row two will light – which means  ‘2’ .
So the combination is  ‘1’ and ‘2’  - which finally means – V1.2

2) Extended Input Interface for additional features with the function button  

When the development of DarkTime started one of the basic ideas behind were:

We don’t want to have any hidden menus or functions.
Or any switches with two or more functions, which change it’s meaning in certain situation and then differ from which is printed on the front panel.

But we also know that we will not have the place on the frontpanel for all features we thought about and we know that we and the users will create ideas and features during the use of the machine, we hadn’t thought about when starting developing.

Software can always be extended with an foreseeable expenditure – but to change any hardware, f.e. the frontpanel, when the machine is ready build and delivered, will be something from very expensive to nearly impossible.

So we introduce one button for some possible extensions on the frontpanel or maybe as an back door for future extension, we’ll maybe want to implement.

This is the Function button.

If you press this button the normal ‘play mode’ will change in some manner , f.e.  the clock-  and pulsewidth–knob will control other parameters beside from clock and pulsewidth.

The Start, Reset and Step switch are now used to select some sort of sub menus, which defines which parameters are now controlled by the clock- and pulsewidth – knob.

A great issue is,  if you use a knob for different parameters and you change the parameter assign, the current position will not match to the value of the new parameter that is temporarily assigned.

Normally you’ll have a display, where the value is also shown and so you can first align the knob to the current value of the parameter, before you maybe change it.

Unfortunatley DarkTime has no display and so the only possibility to virtualize a value fairly, is to use the steps leds for that.

(This is still explained in the main manual ).

Because you have only 16 leds you can only show values from 1 – 16 – or if this doesn’t fit, you have to use Led 1-16 as a indicator for lookup table with functioncode mainly explained f.e. in the manual.

Before V1.2 alle these ideas were already realized, but only in a small shaping.

But for the new features of V1.2 we had to extend this concept substantial .

So this is the ‘traffic side of the coin’ – we’ll get more interesting features – but you lost a little bit of the operating comfort and the self-explanatory element of the machine.

So’ll you had to look sometimes into the manual to look after, how some things of the DarkTime work ….

O.K. – now we’ll explain.

Though you can do this while the DarkTime sequencer is running, we recommend ( at least when you use the function button first time) that the sequencer is in stop mode.

This is mainly because, if you use the knobs for other purpose you will change the originally clock and pulsewidth values and this could lead to some confusion ;-)
If you want to restore the clock pulsewidth values after changing other parameters you have to keep it’s positons in mind.
Later on you should let the sequencer stay in running mode, because then you can hear most manipulations of parameters just on your sequence.

O.K., as explained above we’ll use the Step leds for display of the value, if this is possible and useful.

But as we want to use two knobs clock and pulsewidth to represent two values,  only one knob could be displayed at a time – if we want to use all 16 step leds for one parameter.

So the current value of the first knob – for DarkTime this is the clock knob – will be displayed automatic, if you select the ‘sub menu’ where this parameter is assigned to the the clock knob.

To get the display of the Pulsewidth parameter you have to turn the Pulsewidth knob only a little angle – in left/right postion from it’s rest position – then the 16 step leds will show the value of the current assigned parameter of the Pulsewidth knob.

But don’t turn it too wide (we maybe have to optimize this angle in practice), then the  parameter will jump to the new value corresponding to the position of the knob and also the display will change to it. Then you will not have any possibility to go back to the ‘old’ value – nor the restore the ‘old’ display.

But to explain such complex and puzzling things is one thing – in practice it will be much clearer.

Also, new in V1.2 , in some ‘sub menus’ the On/Off Position of the Skip/Off/On switch will be used to toggle some On/Off features.

So during the ‘Function’ modes the Skip/Off/On and also the Stop/Jmp/Cont switches ( reserved for future) did not do the originally job – all other knobs and switches will work as until now.

O.K. – now for the practice and the parameters we want to control.

First., as said before , stop the sequencer.

Second – Press the function button  ( at the moment only this button and nothing else). Still hold the function button during the whole process.

Then the led of the function button will light and also the step leds will go into the ‘display’ mode an show the value of the ‘Divide’ parameter ( which is also printed on the frontpanel of the DarkTime).

By turning the clock knob you can vary the divide parameter, also shown by the ‘led display’.  This is a index in the lookup table described in the manual .

On the other hand you can change the shuffle value , if you move the Pulsewidth knob – for this you’ll have no ‘led display’–  the position of the knob shows how deep the shuffle effect will be  from 0 % till 100% according to the knob pos. from left to right.

If you release the Function button – the function led will go out and you’re back in the normal play mode.

This was the situation also before V1.2 and is described in the manual ‘3.1.4 Tempo / Timing  approx. page 13-14).

Now you can extend this pattern, by pressing a second button after you reach the function mode:

First press the function button – led will go on – you’re in the function mode – ‘led display’ will show the value of the divide parameter – so far so good.

Now press, while you still hold the function button, the start button.

(This procedure was still  before V1.2 described in manual chapter ‘3.2.1 Midi Interface’  page 17 above.’)

So the Midichannel of Row 1 is shown now with the ‘led display’ and can be changed by turning the Clock knob.

Unlike before V1.2 the channel of row 2 is now no longer ajusted by pressing Function and Reset – but also pressing Funciton and Start – but now the Pulsewidth knob is used for this.

(The Pulsewidth knob was not used in this situation in versions before V1.2).

So we now group similar function in one sub menu by pressing only one button in combination with the function button.

So this is at the moment V1.2     

2-1) Function alone: Clock knob:  Divide

Pulsewidth  knob: Shuffle (*)
2-2) Function + Start : Clock knob: MidiChannel Row 1
Pulsewidth  knob:MidiChannel Row 2
2-3) Function + Reset:Clock knob: Divide Clk Out  (*1)
Pulsewidth  knob: Divide Clk In (*2)
2-4) Function + Step :  Clock knob: 1-8 Combi Modes  (*3) 
Pulsewidth  knob: reserved(*4)
Divide Clk, ClkIn/Out  Number of lighted step LED's
1/4T  (1/12)8
1/8T  (1/24)10
1/16T (1/48)12

(*) shuffle parameter has no ‘led display’ (maybe in the next update) …

(*1) see  3) Independend  clock-divider note value and clock out signal rate

(*2) see  4) Clk in signal

(*3) see  7) Additional Link-combi Modes

(*4) reserved for a future additional parameter

So you now see – as we also use the Pulsew. Knob when pressing a ‘sub menu’ button – we get a second parameter we can control.

Because we only have 3 ‘sub menu’ buttons – Start,Stop, Reset – the number of sub menus is limited – except we maybe want to extend the number by pressing of some combinations of sub menu buttons … f.e.  function + Start + Reset   etc. 

But you’ll see that you then maybe get a knot in your fingers ;-)

So I think to restrict for now this is a good solution .. ;-)

Problem is now , as described before – the  ‘led display’ will show the value of the parameter, that is assigned to clock knob, automatic, when you press the function button and then one of the sub menu buttons.

But now you want to switch the display to the parameter that is assigned to the Pulsewidth knob:

Turn the pulsewidth only a little bit to the left/right – then you’ll first get the ‘led display’ of the current value – if you turn further, then the parameter will jump to the value that corresponds to it’s current position.

Sorry, this is a well known problem, if you had knobs with absolute positions, but not an endless encoder or motor knob.

If you be aware this fact and have a little practice you can live with this flaw … not really what we want , but practical …

O.K. you now can change and display two parameter in one sub menu.

If you want to go to another sub menu, release only the sub menu button – still hold function and press the other sub menu button you want …

Same procedure as before – first time the ‘led display’ will show the parameter assigned to the clock knob – if you want to see the other parameter, you have to change the position of the Pulsewidth knob – but only a little bit …

If you want to leave function mode completely – simply release the function button. Then you’re automatically in the normal Play mode … sometimes not all leds are in the state they should – by all leds will be refreshed if you start the sequencer. (Again something to do in the next bug fix …. ;-) )

Let’s resume:

You now can change/visualize  8 parameters with  two knobs by pressing simultanious a combination of one or two switches  from the button group :


But that’s almost not  enough we need.

F.e we need some flags/switches to adjust the scale for the long expected Scale feature or flags/switches for some parameters with on/off behavior.

And final for some parameters it would be useful the send a midievent to the DarkTime and DarkTime could interpret  - in other devices  ( f.e. DarkEnergy) we call this ‘Learn mode’.

So to implement this the Function button has a double life:

In it’s first live – it works as explaind before :

First ) Press function and
Second) press another sub menu button or turn the clock / pulsewidth knob 

If you only do

First ) Press function and then
Second)  nothing else and wait a while ( approx. 5 seconds)

then the Function button switches into his second life ..

The function led now will start to flash and  led of start/reset/step will all go on and stay.

Then you can even release the function button – you’ll stay in this function mode – the led will go on flashing.

Now you’re caught in the second function mode and there you can do several things:

First  state of 'life'
- Function led flashes – Start/Reset/Step are constant on:

You’re now in the ‘Learn Mode’ – some midi events that DarkTime receive in this situation will be  recognized by the system and used for some parameters.
In difference to f.e. the DarkEnergy’s Learn mode, the learn mode will not automatically leaved, if you receive a valid midi event.

Now you also can press some of the sub menu buttons as in the first function mode.

If you want to leave this function mode ( f.e. when you’ve reached it by mistake) then you only have to press the function button again.
Led flashing stops and you see that you’re just back in the normal play mode.

3 additonal Sub-Menus

If you are in Learnmode  ( Function led flashes – Start/Reset/Step led are constant on)  you can also leave learnmode to 3 additonal sub- menus:

So press one of the sub menu buttons while led's flashing and you’re in one of 3 possible new sub menus
– corresponding led will stay on the other two will go out.

If you’ve select one sub menu, this selection will be locked – means you cannot change to another or to the plain learn mode – if you want to do this you have to leave the function flashing mode and have  to enter it again …

O.K. – you’ve heared what happens, if you press the function button again, if you are in Second Function mode and it’s led flashes – you’ll leave this function mode.

But what happens if you press the  Step button ?
At the moment ( V1.2) nothing – this button – sub menu is reserved for future use and currently free

If you are in one of the 3 sub menus ( at the moment only 2) though the function led is still flashing you are no longer in learn mode any longer - means you cannot receive and 'learn' some midi events :
7-5) Lower Row = free assignable Controller  or 
5) ‘Clock-In’ signal could also be a midi note event 

While function led is flashing ...(learnmode)
So press Start, Leds of Reset and Step will go out – then you’re in the first sub menu *1)

While function led is flashing ... (learnmode)
Press  Reset,  Leds of Start  and Step will go out – then you’re in the second sub menu *2)

Both have common – you now can switch a single parameter  on/ off – not vary with a knob over a area of values as with the knobs , but only on and off.

For this we’ll now use the switches Skip/Off/On of the steps.

Only the position on and off – skip is ignored and the second switch of each step  Stop/Jmp/Cont. ist also ignored. (For now …)

Only On / Off – The corresponding step led will always show the state of each assigned parameter immediated after you enter the sub menu, wherever of the current on/off positon of the cooresponding switches.

So if you want to change – you first have sync the switch position to the current parameter state ( which is shown by the led).

F.e.  if the led is on – parameter is also on.  If switch position is also on – then you’re ready.

You now can switch the position between on/off and the led and state will always follow.

If the switch positon is different from it’s state you first have to ‘sync’ it:

In this example switch is the in off position led would be on. Then you first have to switch one time to on and then you’ve in the situation just described.:

The switch and led and also the aprameter are now ‘in sync’.

Same as switch is in on positon and led off …

Think this should be clear now.

2-5)  Sub Menu 1 (Soft switches/parameters)

While function led is flashing ...
So press Start, Leds of Reset and Step will go out – then you’re in the first sub menu *1)

Here you can set/reset several  functions/features of DarkTime On/Off
The features are explained in chapter 10



10-1) Use as controller box


10-2) Choose of Gate-Out Polarity


10-3) Change of CV though Step is off, or stay on last value


10-4) Extended Gate-Length  (normal =15%-85%), (legato = 1% - 200%)


10-5) Merge Midi-events on Midi-In to internal events   On/Off


10-6) Send Midi-Realtime Events on MidiOut   On/Off


10-7) Send Midi-Realtime Events on  USBMidiOut   On/Off


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion


Unused / free for future expansion

2-6) Sub Menu 2  (Scale)

While function led is flashing ...
Press  Reset, Leds of Start  and Step will go out – then you’re in the second sub menu *2)

This is the sub menu to define the Quantize scale mode. For each Note of a octave you can define , if it’s played (On) – or not (Off).

Details are explained in the chapter 8.





























2-7) sub Menu 3

While function led is flashing ...
Third sub menu, where you have to press Step doesn’t exist at the moment and is reserved for future – at the moment nothing happens.

Table/Overview   of the several function modes:

Press function 5 Sec ....Function is flashing and Start,Reset,Step  = OnLearn modeLearn Midi controller, Midi Note Event
........and thenStart buttonFunction is flashing  Start=Off; Reset,Step = OnSub menu 1Softswitches/parameters
........and then Reset button
Function is flashing  Reset=Off; Start,Step = OnSub menu  2Scaled
........and then Step button
Function is flashing  Step=Off;Start, Reset = OnSub menu 3yet undefined
Press function again in Learn mode , sub 1,2,3  menu - you'll leave itNormal modeNormal operation

3) Independend  clock-divider note value and clock out signal rate on ClkOut

Accordingly the explained Divide parameter (see Page 13/14 main manual) it was until now only possible to generate the analog clock out with the same divider value as the sequencer is running.

Now you can set the clock out totally independent from this setting.

So f.e. you can output a clock with half or double speed relating to the tempo of the sequencer and so maybe better connect your remaining analog equipment with another tempo rate.

This function is availabe in Sync-Internal , Sync-Midi/USB  Mode.

Also you can now finally  direct output a Roland sync compatible signal ( see also  6) New clock-divider value 1/96  available = RolandDinSync)

So if you need a Midi_to_Sync – Converter function you just can use the DarkTime in Sync-Midi/USB mode and input the Midiclock over Midi-In or Over USB and you’ll get a 1/96 –Roland Sync compatible signal.

ClkOut divide Number of lighted step LED's
1/4T  (1/12)8
1/8T  (1/24)10
1/16T (1/48)12

4) Clk in signal can be scanned with a adjustable clock/divide rate and used as a clock for DarkTime sequencer. With generation of all dependend signals f.e. MidiRealtime-clock 

Attention – this feature is at the moment in a more experimental state – which means – we and our beta testers haven’t collected much experience in combination with a typical number of devices that generate the clock and should be snyced to the DarkTime.

All experiences here are welcome and will be used to improve the DarkTimes sync capabilities.

The DarkTime is primarily no allround sync device – so all features in this direction are an extra bonus and maybe not so specific and variable than a special for this purpose dedicated device.

As an input analog clock signal will be scanned the same way as a digital midi clock signal over midi or usb , the Clk-In scan function is availabe in Sync-Midi/USB mode.

Attention – do not select Sync-External – in this mode the Clk-In will only be handled in the Direct clock Input mode. (see chapter 5) )

Also the Clock-In signal will be scanned parallel to a midi clock signal on midi in or usb – so you have to avoid that the  DarkTime receives more than clock one signal at a session, if you don’t want to have something like mixed clock signals.

There’s no mechanism that locks one clock signal from the other. . But this can be used for special effects, if you understand what you’re doing ;-)

If you’ve connected a analog clock signal to the Clk In jack of DarkTime the next step is to tell the device what a  note value  this clock rate should correspond.

You’ll also use the same nomenclature as for Clk Out Divide – see on Page 13/14  3.1.4 Tempo/Timing.

F.e. if your device sends a RolandSync clock signal you should select the 1/96 clock divider.

ClkIn divide Number of lighted step LED's
1/4T  (1/12)8
1/8T  (1/24)10
1/16T (1/48)12

5) ‘Clock-In’ signal could also be a midi note event 

Sync-External is used exclusive for direct clock signals.

Means that the input clock signal is used direct for the timing of the DarkTime sequencer , nothing is interpolated to a finer time base, so you also consistently cannot generate any derived signales as f.e. midiclock, or effects like shuffle ….

To assign a note event  go to  learnmode and send a the midi note event you want to learn

If you need such functions you have to select the Sync-Midi/USB mode .
Also here you can input a analog clock signal and now it’s scanned and interpolated after the rules you’ve defiend with the input divide parameter.

6) New clock-divider value 1/96  available = RolandDinSync 

Instead of the value 1/128  in clock divider (page 13/14 3.1.4 tempo) , Clk Out  (see related section 3) ) or  Clk In (see related section 4) )  the Roland Sync compatibel value 1/96 will be introduced.

 1/128 will be no longer supported.

7) Additional Link-combi Modes 

(Now all combi modes behaves equal and as made by mode '7-1 ) Upper Row always Notes and  Lower Row is Gate Length' from the view of the relation of the single step spoitions of row 1 and row 2 )

To use you have to switch the link switch to Combi  ( additional read in the main manual Chapter 3.1.5 Individual gate length)

Now if you go to the corresp. sub menu – look

2-4) Function + Step :                 Clock knob: 

you can select  6 different Combi mode – the first is the one that was realize before V1.2  - 7-1


Upper Row always Notes and


7-1 ) Upper Row always Notes and  Lower Row is Gate Length

see in the manual 3.1.5 for details

7-2) Lower Row = Note-Velocity

now  you can generate individual velocities for the notes generated with step 1-8

7-3) Lower Row = Midi-Controller #17-5) Lower Row = free assignable Controller

now  you can generate up to 8  midi controller #1

7-4) Lower Row = Midi-Controller #7

now  you can generate up to 8  midi controller #7

7-5) Lower Row = free assignable Controller

to assign a controller go to  learnmode and send a the midi controller event you want to learn

7-6) Lower Row = Pitch Bend

If you change between  7-1  till 7-6  only one ‘row 2’ special function at a time is possible.

It’s not possible to stack functions.

F.e. it is not possible to change the ‘gate length’ 7-1 for  Step 1- 8 and the go to  7-2 and  change velocity 1 –8 while retaining the individual ‘gate length’.

8) Quantize Scale Mode  

You have to select Quantize – Scale to get this effect – how the scale details are defined is described  in chapter 2-6.

If all switches are set to position on, then it’s the same – 12 tones , as you select Quantize-On.

But for scale you now can exclude one or more halftones – so you’ll get different scale.

When somethings is difficult to explain, better shown an example ;-) :

So, if you f.e want  
Scale Major:



Switch position (led on/off)
































B     (  Bb )



H      ( B )





Scale Minor:

C,D,D#,F,G,A,H,C1    On    -   All other off

And so on

– we’ll publish some interesting scale tables the next weeks – but it’s also planed to realize beside this editable custom table some fixed tables, which then can be called as ready made presets.

8-1) Midi

Scale is available for midi notes

8-2) CV

At the moment only in the ½ tone grid.

But we’re thinking also about to realize a ‘detune’ function for all scale tones in relation of th CV out resolution – so you can also made scales beside the pure ½ tone grid. ( Maybe in V1.3)

The virtual Zero point of the CV is now more consistent with the real Voltage 0. (Before some devices have a significant offset, f.e. as also our device MAQ16/3 has - please look into it's infos for details). 
( Maybe we'll introduce in a later firmware version a possibility to adjust this offset by software.)

9) Use of Darktime as a controller box  - in both directions , so you can also control all parameters of DarkTime from ‘outside’

See 10-1 and chapter 2  who to select and deselect this function.

If this feature is selected you can additional use DarkTimes knobs and switches to generate midi events.
F.e. you can then control a VST-plugin or a sequencer software or write some additional software  f.e. in MAX /MAX for Live, for the DarkTime.
The midievents DarkTime will send are fixed and cannot be changed, also the midi channel is fixed on channel 16.
Because DarkTime also can be remotely controlled, if it receives these midi events, you can record most things you’ll do on the DarkTime and recall this later.
(At the moment the knobs only in 8 bit resolution, so if you use CV-Outs they will not have the full resolution).
Also at the moment the sub menu parameters are not supported – but this is planned for a next bug fix release.

The 'DarkTime-Controller' will always send midi events on channel 16 - so you should not use channel 16 for other purposes!

- The switches will send note events

- The  pots will send controller events

These Events will only be send ( if activated see 10-1) ) in Midi-Out of  DarkTime, but not ins USB-MidiOut !

10) Different new ‘software-switches’  to select 

10-1) Use as controller box

for details see  chapter 9)

10-2) Choose of Gate-Out Polarity

You can change between positive logic ( until now before V1.2) or invers logic ( fe.e you’ll need this, if you want to use a switched trigger cable or you use a device with invers gate).
This is global for both Gate 1 and Gate 2  and will not affect all other output signals f.e. Clk, Start/Stop, Reset

10-3) Change of CV though Step is off, or stay on last value

If a step is in position 'Off' you can now select, how the CV will be handled.

It can remain on the last value or set on the value like the Stpe is not in position off.

The Gate of the step will be disabled always.

If the CV is still set, this could be a helpful effect sometimes, but if the sound triggered by the analog out hasn't a very short envelope it maybe could sound that the step isn't switch 'Off', because you still 'hear' it in a way.

10-4) Extended Gate-Length  (normal =15%-85%), (legato = 1% - 200%)

Normally the gate length could only be changed in a range of 15%-85% .
But now you also can unlock this restriction.
Values near 0 % can result in random very short triggers.
And near 100% and greater in – at the moment – in some aspect unperdictable results – but nonetheless uninteresting …

But it’s planned for the future here to realize something like legato ….

10-5) Merge Midi-events on Midi-In to internal events   On/Off

Here you can select between :

Merging some midi events received on the input to the output and merge nothing.

If you use merge – you should have in mind, that the midi buffers in DarkTime are not as great as usual in a sequencers program on a computer.
And so this can result in accidents like affecting the DarkTime midi transpose function, hanging notes or common in ruining the timing of the DarkTime sequencer.
Also with merging you have a good chance to create a midi feedback loop – that will hang up the Dakrtime, but also your other devices …
So only use advisely and dosed and have the warning is mind, if something ‘strange’ happens with the DarkTime …

10-6) Send Midi-Realtime Events on MidiOut   On/Off

You can select if you want to send Midi realtime events on the midi output of the DarkTime or not.
There are some situations where you maybe didn’t want this.

F.e., if there’s  a computer connected with a sequ. program, there are situations, where some sequencers programs are interered or even lock up, if they receive midi realtime events, when they are not in slave mode.

Also so you so can thin out the midi stream, if you didn’t need realtime events and also save some computing time on the Darktime, which improves the timing a little bit.
Please always remember, if you switch of midi realtime an later need it once more to sync, to switch this feature on once again.
Otherwise syncing won’t work any more.

10-7) Send Midi-Realtime Events on  USBMidiOut   On/Off

Same as for Midi-Out, but now for USB

10-8) Transpose Looper On/off

Attention:  Transpose-Looper Mode:  'On' means  - normal Transpose mode as usual in all versions include V1.1.   , 'Off' means 'Transpose Looper mode - as explained below - this behaves different as usual.
Problem is now, that the Reset function in
version 130724 set by mistake this mode to the new unusual Looper mode 'Off'  - this will be corrected in the next  version - so, if Transpose did not behave as you expected, please set the switch to 'On' manually.

'On':    Normal Transpose  as ususal till now.

'Off':    New Transpose  Looper Mode since version 130724:  In difference to the 'normal' mode the DarkTime starts automatically with the first NoteEvent it receives - then the DT will make Transpose as ususal, but with the last Note pressed on the keyboard/received it will automatically stop.

Table/Overview for all input/output signals in the different Sync modes and their functionality.

‘to do’  …………………………..

11 ) Plans for future versions

11-1  a Mungo SncZ like sync mode

All who know the Mungo SynZ device understand  what meant with this.
For all others – SynZ helps to manage the midi in clock and midi out clock in relation to the bar – Re-Syncing – for more details you’ll have a look onto the  Mungo Home page.

Planned for V1.3

11-2  Raw MiditoCV Interface mode

In some situations it would be helpful, if you can control a over CV/Gate connected analog gear direct of the DarkTime  as a little midi-cv interface.

!! This feature is still realized, but will not be activated in v1.2 for some reasons. So it will be activated first in V1.3

11-3 Chain two DarkTimes sequentially. 

Earliest in V1.3

11-4 Legato mode when Gate length is greater than 100%

11-5  Scale mode ready made preset

planned for V1.3

11-6 Reset all parameters that remain power-off  on default values
(Already realized in V1.2)

Thanks for all customers and users who send us so many suggestions to optimize and extend the DarkTime.
Some of them are not yet realize in this update – but are planned for the next update.
If you didn’t see yours here, this didn’t mean that they are forgotten or not usable.
F.e. some of them did break up the context of the DarkTime and so we’ve maybe have them in mind for a future concept of devices.
Some of them have to be discussed longer, because it’s not clear how to implement and speical the user interface.
Program and data memory is limited and it’s just running out,  so we’ve first had to optimize some code to get space for new features

Overview  of all Sync-Modes and the related input- and output signals  and working modes

Sync Internal Sync External Sync Midi/USB
PANEL Button
Start/Stop X   (6) X   (6) X   (6)
Reset X   (7) X   (7) X   (7)
Jack - ClkIn O X  (5) X < (E)
Jack Clk-Out X < (F) X  (5) X < (F)
Jack - St/St - In X   (6) X   (6) X   (6)
Jack - Reset -In X   (7) X   (7) X   (7)
Jack - St/St -Out X   (6) X   (6) X   (6)
Jack - Reset -Out X   (7) X   (7) X   (7)
GATE1 X < (A)(B)(C)(D) X  (5) X < (A)(B)(C)(D)
GATE2 X < (A)(B)(C)(D) X  (5) X < (A)(B)(C)(D)
Midi Start/Stop/Cont O X   (8) X   (8)
Midi-USB Start/Stop/Cont O X   (8) X   (8)
Midi Clock In O O X   (1)
Midi-USB Clock In O O X   (1)
Midi Clock Out O O X   (1)
Midi-USB Clock Out O O X   (1)
(A) Clock X O O
(B) Pulsewidth X O X
(C) Divide X O X
(D) Shuffle X O X
(E) ClkIn Divide O O X   (3)
(F) ClkOut Divide X O X   (2)
X has effect/influence
O does not affect/has no influence
(1) always  1/96
(2) different length from 1/2  to 1/96 note
(3) different length from 1/2  to 1/96 note
(4) derived always from midiclock 1/96
(5) Direct clock (= Divide & Pulsewidth)
(6) Start/Stops the DarkTime sequencer
(7) Resets the DarkTime sequencer
(8) Start/Stop/Cont the DarkTime sequencer
(9) Depends on divide and pulsewidth

Some additional explanations about the table above and the different sync modes

The internal sequencer of DarkTime works with a resolution of   1/384 means  96 ticks  ppq. Resolution of Midi Clock is  1/96 or  24 ticks ppq.
This is valid for   Internal sync and Midi/USB Sync mode.

In External mode Darktime gets all timing information direct from the signal that is put  on the Clk In jack. No interpertation no interpolation is made in music timing 

Internal Sync

DarkTime will generate a clock signal of its own.The clock pot controls the clock rate, the gate time can be varied using the Pulsewidth control. The transport keys of Darktime and Midi Realtime Events Start,Stop,Cont on Midi&USBMidi In and input Signals  St/St. In and Reset In are active.
Midi clock on Midi&USBMidi In and ClkIn will be not recognized.
Note timing in relation to DarkTimes internal tick resolution of 1/384 can be generated ( so to speak 'divided' from max. resolution) in values of  from 1/2  (half note) to 1/64  and special 1/96  for Roland Sync ( and also some  Triple Notes and Doted Notes.
F.e.  the 1/16 T (Triple)  are  1/16+1/16+1/16  = 1/48 - which is half the resolution of Roland Sync 1/96  and is used f.e. in some drum machines instead of 1/96. )

External Sync

No midi clock signal will be recognized or interpreted for timing information.
If the clock rate of the clock signal varies (different time length or different tempo) then also the tempo of each step of DarkTime varies in this manner.
So each step and each note length is totally free and only depends on the clock signal that is feed on the clock in DarkTime cannot evaluate this signal in any musical timing context and cannot generate a realtion to DarkTimes normal timking managment as in internal or USB/Midi sync mode. Hence features as divide in some muscial note values ( relative duration of a note) as 1_8, 1_16 ... or generation of midiclock is not possible and also not useful.

The scanning/operation routine of DarkTime in External mode is simple.
Get a Start/ information from Start/Stop button or the same named Input jack or from Star Midi Event over Midi or USB/Midi
Then scann the Clk In signal - if this is rising, then generate the next tick for the Dark Times sequencer. Consequently Darktime will generate the action which is consistent to its next step.
F.e. Generate a noteOn Event, generate a Gate On signal .. and so on ..
The note or mute length is related to the length of the positive pulse of  the ClkkIn signal.  If the signal on ClkIn will go to low , DT will now generate all the actions realted to the normal off phase f.e. Note Off Events, Gatet Off signal a.s.o.
Then DarkTime will what and do nothing if the ClkIn signal remains low , till it goes once again to high - the cycle starts again ...
So you see the times between every single low-to-high   and high-to-low transition are totally undefined and can be every value between some Milliseconds and hours ...

Attention - External Sync is not suited, if you want to sync with a Roland DIN Sync compatible clock.  You can identify DIN Sync from its 5 pin connector jack  ( its not a midi jack - but looks like ;-) 

Subject to add that in external mode also a midi note that can be defined in Learn Mode can be the trigger.

See   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_sync    or     de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_sync   or  www.doepfer.de/faq/gen_faq.htm#Sync   for more information about.

As you maybe know or read in the wikis - a roland snyc  signal has a clock rate of  24 ticks ppq  - if you input this clock in the external mode  DarkTime will run very very fast - so for usable you will have to divide this signal f.e. with a hardware divider modul into a lower rate.
For this maybe look into the german wiki  there is a link for instructions for a  DIY  DIN-Sync to 1/16 converter hardware ....
but you can also use the software converter build in the DarkTime firmware - but for this you had to switch to   Midi/USB  Sync  - not to External Sync


The tempo is controlled by a Midi clock signal coming in via the

Midi-In Jack or the

USBMidi-port  or by a  clock signal on the

ClkIn Jack of the DarkTime relative to a musical tempo.

The clock signal on ClkIn can also be a Roland - DIN Sync clock signal , means of 24 clock ppq. also possible a 12 ppq clock and all the note duration you can select with the divide parameter ...
You can only use one of this three sync possibilities MidiPort,USBMidiport, ClkIn at a time, because they are not separated from each other, but use all the same routines.
Shure you so can mix more then one tempo information in a way for 'special' effects - but so undesirable effects may result.

If DarkTime sync is in Midi/USB mode then the firmware scans the Midi Ins  ( both  MidiIn and USBMidi In) and the ClkIn for clock information. The Timing manager of Darktime synchronizes on this clock information and interpolates this timing information into the internal tick resolution of  96 ticks  ppq.

Because the  clock information is time relate,d DarkTime must know in which muscial timing the incoming clocks has to be interpreted.

In case of Midi clock this is fixed, because midiclock is defined as 24 ppq - means has a resolution of 1/96 per midi clock event.

In case of a clock signal on ClkIn you have to tell the system which timing infromation this clock relates.
This is done by the Divide_ClkIn parameter. for more infos lock here.

In most cases you'll   use here Roland DIN-Sync, which is  1/96 - so you have to set the Divide_ClkIn parameter to 1/96.

Conclusion  / Cookbook - How to


Last Change  03.Sept.2013