A-100 System Suggestions

Apart from the standard systems that are shown in the A-100 Standard Systems Overview we have collected some additional systems that are suitable for typical applications of the A-100. For more detailed information to one of the systems click to the corresponding picture or the text link. Then you reach a more detailed picture and and a list of all modules of the system in question.
The picture of each system is available as Corel Draw™  files too. You need Corel Draw™  (Version 7 or higher) to open these files. The advantage of the Corel Draw™ format is the better resolution compared to the pixel format of the pictures on the web pages as it is a vector format and any zoom factor is possible. The size of these files is up to some hundred kByte so that the download may take some time.

For price/current/panel width calculation of your A-100 system there are several possibilities:

One of our customer programmed an A-100 Online System Planer (Java) that can be used for this application.

Another solution is the A-100 Planer (Excel™ file). For this you have to transfer the module quantities into the Excel sheet. You may even modify the system by removing/adding modules or replacing one or more modules by other ones. You can download the file or even start Excel from your browser directly by clicking to the link (depends upon the settings of your browser). As soon as you have specified the desired modules for the upper/lower row of the frame in the sheet you obtain the following results:

  • Total number of modules

  • Total width of all modules in the upper and lower row of the frame (has to be = 84 for a completely filled row)

  • Total current consumption for all modules. It has to be less than 1200 mA otherwise a second power supply is necessary (for old systems or frames manufactured before 2006 even the old power supply with 650mA only may be in use)

  • Total price for the system (only valid if you order directly from Doepfer, if there is a Doepfer representative in your country please ask for the prices in your country)

Expansion Systems
These are expansion systems to the basic systems (A-100BS1 or A-100BS2) and contain important modules that are not included in the basic systems.
Expansion System 1
Expansion System 2
Sound Processing Systems
These systems are intended to process external audio signals and do not contain sound sources (i.e. no VCO, noise, sampler or similar modules) but only sound-processing modules and control voltage sources belonging to them.

Sound Processing System 1

Sound Processing System 2
Sound Processing System 3
Theremin Systems
Some examples that are based on Theremin control:
Simple Theremin System
Extended Theremin System (with Quantizer and CV Inverter)
Theremin System with MIDI Output
Theremin controlled Synthesizer
Trautonium System
Trautonium System
Other System Examples

System with Sequencer and Sampler

Basic Systems
The basic systems are described in the A-100 Standard Systems Overview too.
Basic System 1
Basic System 2

Mini System

We also have available a Corel Draw™  file that contains all A-100 module front panels that are available at the moment and an empty 6HU frame. This file enables you to combine your own "virtual" A-100 system by moving the modules to the desired position at the frame (activate "magnetic auxiliary lines" to align the front panels at the right positions within the frame). This is the link to the Corel Draw™  file:

If you need all A-100 front panels as pixel files you find them in GIF format on this page: A-100 order notes.